Saturday, November 14, 2015

On the Nabonidus Chronicle

Facts, Propaganda, or History? Shaping Political Memory in the Nabonidus Chronicle

Article from Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire (SBL Press, 2015).

By Caroline Waerzeggers
Leiden University
November 2015
Cross-file under New Book.

Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon, is a figure of interest for ancient Judaism, primarily because of the Prayer of Nabonidus. This is a fragmentary Aramaic text found among the Dead Sea Scrolls which tells what seems to be an earlier and somewhat more historical version of the story in Daniel chapter 4. It happens that I just read the Prayer of Nabonidus with my Biblical Aramaic class last week. Past posts that mention Nabonidus are here, here, here, and here.