Monday, October 08, 2007

MAARAV, A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures, has a new issue (13.2, 2006) printed and about to be sent out. Jack Sasson has posted the TOC on the Agade list:
Bibliographical Abbreviations 141
(r) Raymond Westbrook
Reflections on the Law of Homicide in the Ancient World 145
(r) Paul G. Mosca
Some Grammatical and Structural Observations on the Trophy Inscription from Kition (Cyprus) 175
(r) Alejandro F. Botta
The Legal Function and Egyptian Background of the fylv Clause: A Reevaluation 193
(r) David P. Wright
The Laws of Hammurabi and the Covenant Code: A Response to Bruce Wells 211
(r) Rebecca Hasselbach
Review of Pratique de la grammaire akkadienne: Exercices et corrigés
(Florence Malbran-Labat) 261
(r) Alan S. Kaye
Review of Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques: Éléments de phonétique de morphologie et de syntaxe (Jean-Claude Haelewyck) 269
Corrigendum 277
Simon B. Parker 279